Schulze Elektronik Driver

  • REFERENCE DESIGN NOTE - LED Driver with MagI3C Power Module DNS001: BY ROLAND KRATZ MagI3C Power Modules VDRM - LED Driver Application 7 - 24V INPUT / 0 – 1.5A LED CURRENT 1. Introduction The DNS14 is a reference design for the WLMDU9456008T LED driver capable of driving up to 1.5 A output current using a voltage regulated module and an.
  • Manuals and free instruction guides. Find the user manual.

Hobby Club BA MI CW8-6G Digi, Metal Case-Gears, Mag. Induction Wing Servo BA-CW8-6H SG - Description: BA MI CW8-6G Digi, Metal Case-Gears, Magnetic Induction Wing Servo-HV Technical Details: Control System: PWM Pulse Width Control Processor: Digital IC Required Pulse: 3 to 5 V Peak to Peak Square Wave Working frequence: 1520 μs /333 Hz Rotation angle sensor: MAGNETIC INDUCTION ENCODER.

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This page is based an archived copy of Jürgen Haible's former homepage. It is provided for educational purposes, may be outdated and/or contain errors and will most likely not get updated.

The entire electronic heritage of Jürgen Haible (IP, copyright, designs, etc.) has been acquired by Random*Source.
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JH. Krautrock Phaser
(a. k. a. 'Compact Clone' - insprired by the Schulte Compact A Phasing)

Drivers safenet motherboards. Background

If you listen to German records from the 1970's, you often hear a rather unique phasing that comes from a device called 'Compact A Phaser' from the Berlin company 'Gert Schulte Audio Elektronik'. It's often referred to as 'Schulte Phaser', and I have heard it being called 'Krautrock Phaser', 'Schulze Phaser' (because it's prominent on many early KS albums), 'TD Phaser' (because of Tangerine Dream). In my opinion, this phaser has been important to the sound of these early electronic musicians almost as much as the synthesizers the used.

My Compact Clone from 1999

In 1999 I have built a clone of this on veroboard, and put it into the enclosure you can see in the pictures below.
This has been partially sponsored by the vintage synthesizer shop Touched by Sound back then, who also have taken my Phaser to NAMM to test the waters for commercial production. Well, it didn't come to this for various reasons, but I've been enjoying my Compact Clone ever since, and mostly use it on my Korg Lambda string ensemble.

Front panel view (click on image to enlarge)
With wooden cheeks (click on image for greater picture)

The new Compact Clone 2007
I've decided to do another redesign of that circuit and make a PCB layout.
All who have followed my DIY projects over the years know that I'm using the term 'clone' rather loosely.
I'm not actually 'cloning' anything, which would be a 1:1 reproduction of the original circuit and/or the appearance.
I certainly do strive for a most perfect reproduction of the sound that made a vintage design famous, but I also add features of my own that I find usefull, and tayler the circuit to my own needs and standards.
In case of the Compact Clone this means:
Things I keep
The incandescent lamp / LDR combination that is responsible for the unique way of sweeping
Big incandescent lamp as sweep indicator on front panel
The circuit topology: 8 Stages of Phasing, 2 Stages of Feedback. Negative, lowpass-filtered feedback
The 741 opamps
The unique 'Osc. Period' potentiometer that has maximum LFO rate on ccw end. (optional)
Works with original 7V 100mA lamps.
The possibility to mount potentiometers direcly on board. (Alps RK11 vertical mount types or similar.)
Of course you can connect about every other potentiometer with wires, too.
Mains-Powered (optional). For +/-15V powered, see below.
Power supply for mains powering on the PCB, including secondary fuses, rectifiers, electrolytic caps, voltage regulators and heatsinks.

Things I change
It's possible to adapt the circuit to slightly different lamps and LDRs.
I've added a lot of coupling capacitors to keep offset voltages from the outputs
A Hard-Bypass with a relay that is controlled by an momentary switch. (Push: Turn on. Push again: Turn off.)
Several of these switches can be wired in parallel, i.e you can have on on the front panel, and another one connected via jack for remote control.
Circuit redesigned for easily available potentiometers: 50k lin and 50k log (47k is the same, actually.)
It's also possible to adapt it for slightly different pot values (feel free to ask), if your favorite form factor of potentiometer only comes in certain values.
You don't need that special 'staircase' enclosure when using pcb-mounted potentiometers. In my version, the pots are mounted on the solder side of the board. So the component side looks down inside the enclosure, not being in th eway of the front (or rather 'top') panel.
Complete redesign for +/-15V operation. Option for MOTM-style power connector on the PCB.
Large heatsinks and stronger Lamp Driver transistors.
Mains transformer and primary fuse not on PCB for safety reasons.
No DIN jack.
Switch for LFO / Manual sweep on front panel
1/4' TRS jacks for remote control of Sweep Rate and Modulation Depth.

Sound Samples

The first three sound samples are from my 2000 Album 'Dark November'. The arpeggiated notes from the OB-8 are treated with the Compact Clone. In the first sample, it's rather tame. At the beginning of the second sample, the unique resonance Phaser kicks in.
Second Loop 1 (1.172 MB)
Second Loop 2 (1.172 MB)
Second Loop 3 (1.172 MB)


NEW: PDF document with schematics of on-board components (and some hints how to cennect off-board components, too.)


Here's a preview of what the PCB will look like (preliminary version):
Click on the image for a larger view of the components.
NEW:Component overlay with reference designators instead of component values. (Very useful for debugging and modifications)
NEW: Component overlay with component values (as silkscreened on the board)
Bill of Materials

Here's a list of components that I've used: Krautrock Phaser BOM.
It only contains the components that are soldered to the board, no front panel components.
You'll want to have a nice 'retro' looking lamp holder on th efront panel, too.
The incandescent lamp for the front panel is the same type as the two for illuminating the LDRs.
In Europe, E10 sockets are probably more common than elsewhere in the world. You can choose whatever socket you want - it just has to fit the lamp you're using. You can also simply solder the lamps to the PCBs with short, stiff wires, if you don't find a socket that fits into the PCB.
The lamps I'm using are 7V / 100mA types - spec'ed the same as in the original Compact A Phasing. If you cannot get these, you can try with 6.3V lamps of approximately the same power (0.7 Watt). In that case, you have to connect two 1N4002 diodes in series with these lamps. The PCB has the necessary pads and holes for this already, but I have not tested 6.3V lamps myself.
IMPORTANT: Safety and Thermal Issues

I once had an original Compact A for testing, and I've been quite shocked about open mains voltage on the printed circuit board. No, I didn't get an electrical shock, but I could have. Also, some of the components became very hot, and the transistors had very small heatsinks. This is in no way meant for bashing the original design - it may just have been that particular specimen, and it may have been tampered with (modified) - who knows.
What I want to say is this:
We're driving incandescent lamps here, and these need more current than LEDs, so the transistors which drive them will get hot, the voltage regulators will get hot, so we have to cool them. There are 4 rather big heat sinks on the board. Thes will help to dissipate the heat into the interior of the phaser enclosure. Now, that enclosure should be sealed against light from the outside, because of the LDRs. This means it will also be sealed for heat, more or less. A possible solution is to use a metal enclosure, or at least an enclosure with a large metal front panel. Keep in mind that the heat transfer then goes like this:
Transistor -> heatsink -> air inside enclosure -> metal enclosure -> air outside enclosure.
This is why the heatsinks on the board are rather oversized (yet unexpensive), and why you should have a metal enclosure or large metal front panel.
In my first prototype, I have wrapped each Lamp + 4 LDRs combination with a black adhesive tape, to further improove shielding against light.
With this, you don't need an enclosure that is sealed against light. But you must be careful about your choice of adhesive tape: It must be safe against ignition. Ok, the incandescent lamps should only get warm, not hot - the circuit is designed to run the lamps well below their nominal current rating, to increase their life-span. But you must make sure that there are no errors that cause a higher current to flow, before you apply any tape around the lamps. Run the circuit for a while, and carefully check the warmth of the lamps with your fingers.
There are many ways to build a phaser with these PCBs, and I cannot check every possible way how it could be done. In short: I just provide the boards, but you are responsible for safety.

Compact Clone 2007 Prototype Pictures

Schulze Elektronik Drivers License

Schulze Elektronik Driver Download

Schulze Elektronik Driver Reviews

In der Sleep Mode-Funktion wird dieLadeleistunghalbiert und der Lüfter abgeschaltet.
In sleep mode the charging capacity is cut by half and the ventilator is switched off.
[..] Akkus kann seineLadeleistungbeeinträchtigen.
[..] flat can affect its capacity to charge.
Die Kapazität von 22 kWh erlaubt dem Fahrer des EDAG 'Light Car - Open Source' eine maximale Reichweite von 150 Kilometern und eine Höchstgeschwindigkeit
von 140 km/h. Mit dem von EDAG entwickelten Ladegerät beträgt die
[..] Ladezeit bei einerLadeleistungvon 10 kW ca. [..]
The battery capacity of 22 kWh gives the driver of the EDAG 'Light Car - Open Source' a maximum range of 150 kilometres and a top
speed of 140 km/h. Using the charger developed by
[..] EDAG and a charging rate of 10 kW, recharging [..]
Die Konzentration auf die wesentlichen Funktionen eines Umschlaggerätes erlaubt dabei eine konsequente Auslegung
[..] [..] Einsatzzweck: Eine optimaleLadeleistungbei maximaler Einsatzbereitschaft.
Concentrating on the basic functions of a handling unit permits
systematic planning of the entire design to the actual
[..] application: optimal loading performance coupled with [..]
Wir schätzen besonders dieLadeleistungauch bei sehr nassem Gras, das Gesamtkonzept der Wagen [..] [..]
berichtet Leonhard Welzmiller und führt weiter aus: Die Wagen sind herausragend aufeinander abgestimmt und das Schneidwerk ist sehr leicht zu reinigen.
[..] appreciate is the loading performance, especially with very wet grass, and the overall design concept [..]
of the wagons regarding
service life and ease of operation', reports Leonhard Welzmiller, going on to mention that 'The wagons are ideally matched and the chopping system is very easy to clean.
In Kombination mit der hohen Pumpenleistung des CAT 330 BLN und der feinfühligen Maestro-Steuerung, bietet der Teleskoparm kurze Taktzeiten und überragendeLadeleistung.
In combination with the great pump capacity of the CAT 330 BLN and the sensitive Maestro control system, the telescopic arm ensures short cycle times and excellent loading performance.
Eine Überschreitung von Grenzwerten (Autobatteriespannung, Gerätetemperatur, maximaleLadeleistung)führt in einigen Fällen zur Abschaltung des Ladevorganges (z.B. bei Überspannung des Autoakkus), zur Anzeige der Fehlerursache sowie zum Ansprechen des Summers, der nach einiger Zeit abgeschaltet wird.
When certain limit values (car battery voltage, charger temperature, maximum charge power) are exceeded, the result may be to cut off the charge process (e.g. excess car battery voltage), or the screen may show an error message while the buzzer sounds; the buzzer is switched off automatically after a certain time.
[..] Abschätzung derLadeleistungim täglichen [..]
Gebrauch können folgende unverbindliche Daten (beispielhaft für das Standardmodul OEM ') helfen
[..] data (using the standard OEM '' module as [..]
an example) may help to estimate the charging power in day-to-day use
Komplette betriebsbereite Ladesäule nach den Richtlinien IEC309-2 (Pilotkontakt) mit maximalerLadeleistung32 A. Der Aufbau nach den IEC Richtlinien garantiert einen leistungslosen Steckvorgang und damit eine sehr lange Lebensdauer der Stecker und [..]
Complete charging station after guidlines of IEC309-2 (pilot contact) ready for operation with maximum charging power 32 A. Structured after IEC guidelines warrants a plug in without power and therefore a very long life of the connectors and socket.
Der Modus 'Schnellladung' des Generators Verso A2 RFS
[..] hat eine hoheLadeleistungzur Folge.
In the 'fast charging mode' the power pack Verso A2
[..] RFS has a very high charging capacity.
Für den vorliegenden Standort sind 3 Radlader der 5,5 m³ Klasse mit einerLadeleistungvon je 400 t/h erforderlich. 2 Geräte übernehmen die Rückverladung [..]
sowie ggf. Aufhaldungsarbeiten der Fertigprodukte.
[..] location 3 wheel loaders of the 5,5 m³ category with a loading capacity of 400 t/h each are required. 2 of the equipment take care of the reclaiming, [..]
as well as stockpiling
[..] werden eine optimaleLadeleistungund eine maximale [..]
Akkulebenszeit gewährleistet.
This ensures optimum charging performance and maximum [..]
Gleichzeitig werden die Verbindungen so ausgelegt, dass an den öffentlichen Ladestationen eine ausreichend hoheLadeleistungzum möglichst schnellen Laden der Batterien zur Verfügung steht.
At the same time, the connections will be designed in such a way that sufficient charging capacity is available at the public charging stations to charge the batteries as quickly as possible.
semiflexiblen Solarmodule sind optional
[..] möglich, sie benötigen für eine vergleichbareLadeleistungjedoch etwa die doppelte Fläche.
Other form factors as well as flexible or semi-flexible solar
[..] [..] available; these do, however, require about twice the surface area for a comparable charging power.
Die Spezialwinde bringt die Steigfähigkeit und die
[..] notwendige Sicherheit, der Tiltkran dieLadeleistung,und der Neigesitz gepaart mit der grossen [..]
[..] mounting power and the necessary safety, the tilt crane the loading capacity and tilt seat [..]
and ample cabin dimensions the comfort.
Dabei geht es um ein riesiges Potenzial: Ein Land wie Deutschland mit rund 45 Millionen Pkw könnte so eineLadeleistungerreichen, die der doppelten, aktuell installierten Kraftwerksleistung entspricht.
This offers enormous potential: a country like Germany with approximately 45 million cars could achieve a charging capacity, which equates to twice the currently installed power station capacity.
[..] Modellbaubereiche mit einerLadeleistungvon 50 Watt.
[..] disciplines with a charge power of 50 watts.
Der neuerschienene D-Trak 800, unterscheidet sich von den anderen Dumper-Ausführungen durch seine hoheLadeleistung,die ihn zu einem einzigartigen und exklusiven Gefährt macht. Durch seine Leistungs-, Kompaktheits- und Beweglichkeits-Charakteristiken, eignet sich dieses elektrische Gerät für den Bau, den Gartenbau, die Landwirtschaft und den Tourismus.
The new D-Trak 800, respect to the various other dumper versions, has the advantage of having an elevated loading capacity, which combined to the other particular features, such as power, compactness, maneuverability and security make this electric vehicle the ideal solution in applications such as building, gardening, agriculture and many other sectors.
Damit ergibt sich eine niedrige Stromaufnahme aus den 230
[..] V-Landnetz und eine hoheLadeleistung.
So there is a low power consumption from the 230 V-shore
[..] power and a high charging performance.
Für Alle, die es ganz genau wissen wollen: Der einzigartige Energiemonitor zeigtLadeleistung,Solarertrag und Batteriespannung - in Echtzeit und ohne zusätzliche Messverkabelung!
For all who wants to know it exactly: with the unique energy monitor to check the battery status, output power and stored energy without connecting additional measurement devices.
Dadurch wird die Schaufel besser gefüllt, das Ladevolumen voll ausgeschöpft, dieLadeleistungerht und Rieselverluste bei losen Schüttgütern vermieden.
This will better fill the bucket, the capacity will be fully utilized, the charge performance will be increased and trickle losses at loose solids will be avoided.
Durch die komplette Ausnutzung der Schneidwerks- und Rotorbreite wird dieLadeleistungerht, die Schnittqualität über einen längeren Zeitraum erhalten und Wartungsintervalle verlängert.
Due to the full exploitation of the cutting unit and rotor width, the loading performance is increased, the cutting quality is maintained over a longer period and the maintenance intervals are extended.
[..] die vorhandeneLadeleistungoder -Energie [..]
(z.B. mit zusätzlichen Solarpanels)
increase the power or the energy available [..]
for the load (for instance with more solar panels)
Das Geschäftsfeld Vossloh Rail Services ist in den Bereichen
[..] Schienenhandel,LadeleistungLangschienen [..]
auf Baustellen, Schweißwerkleistungen Neuschienen,
Aufbereitung Altschienen, Baustellenschweißen, Schienenwechsel, Schienenschleifen/ -fräsen, Schienenprüfung und Baustellenüberwachung tätig.
[..] include rail trading, long-rail (un)loading [..]
at construction sites, welding new rails,
reconditioning old rails, on-site welding, rail replacement, rail grinding/milling, rail inspection, and construction site supervision.
In dem Europäischen Normenentwurf aus Deutschland, der unter der Mitwirkung der WALTHER-WERKE entstand, wurde eine 7-polige Ladesteckvorrichtung definiert, welche die für kürzeste Ladezeiten erforderlicheLadeleistungzum Fahrzeug überträgt und zugleich die Kommunikation für eine einfache und sichere Ladung gewährleistet.
In Germany's European draft standard (which was compiled with significant support from WALTHER) 7-pole charging plugs and sockets have been defined which transmit the charging power required for the shortest charging times to the vehicle and which contain the communication for a convenient and safe charging process.
enormen Reiß- und Losbrechkräften, bietet
[..] der R 9800 hoheLadeleistungund ist das perfekte [..]
Ladegerät für 220-t, 290-t und 360-t Muldenkipper.
tremendous ripper and breakout forces, the R
[..] 9800 offers high loading capacity and is [..]
the perfect loader for 220-t, 290-t and 360-t mining trucks.
Hinweis: Der Einstellungsbereich wird automatisch reduziert,
[..] wenn die maximaleLadeleistungüberschritten wird.
[..] reduced, if the maximum charging rate is exceeded.
hereLadeleistungund schneller Ortswechsel [..]
CLAAS nutzt ICVD® für die neueste Teleskoplader-Generation vom Typ Scorpion.
Higher loading capacity and speedy travel [..]
CLAAS uses the ICVD® for the latest generation of Scorpion telescopic loaders.
Der DC Lade-Booster LMB erhöht die Ladespannung auf die zum
[..] [..] korrekten Laden der Service-Batterien notwendige Spannung und sorgt somit für die optimale Ausnutzung der zur Verfügung stehendenLadeleistungder Lichtmaschine.
Solution: the DC charge booster LMB rises the charging voltage for the correct charging of the service battery and optimises the output of the alternator.